The Treen Shop
Woodcarving Page
Other than carved woodturnings, woodcarvings are done strictly on a commission basis.
The price for all carved items is negotiated and documented prior to my beginning work on the item at hand. Charges for time spent in design varies according to the following: If the design is to become the property of the person commissioning the piece, then design time and materials are charged to the customer at the current hourly rate. However, if the design remains my property, i.e. I may reuse it, then the hourly rate for design time is half the normal hourly rate and the charge for design materials is half the actual cost to me. Actual time spent completing the commission is billed at the current hourly rate. Actual costs for materials and shipping will be added to the total. Materials charges can vary widely depending upon the wood selected for a piece, but labor costs usually dominate the total cost of a piece by a wide margin. ( You might as well have it done in a wood you like!) Contact me for more information.
Click on one of the gallery links below to see photos.